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时间:2011-12-30 编辑:范文网     发表评论

我之前提到过,写年终总结,就像拿成绩单一样。今年给自己打多少分?A+? A? B? C? D? 还是F? 这样的自我评估会提醒我,让我反思过去的一年是否是我想要的生活方式。
4. Start the next year on a high note
Last but not least, your annual review will help you to start the next year on a high note. As I’m going to share later in the post, doing your review includes setting your goals for the next year. For this year 2011, my one single biggest goal was to build this blog. So this year, while other people were figuring out what to make out of their year, I was a person on a mission. By mid-year I had already exceeded some of my goals, and now that it’s the end of the year, I’ve accomplished what I had set out to do at the beginning, and more.
Exercise: Write Your Year End Review for 2011
Let’s get started on your year end review for this year!
Take out your life handbook, or if you don’t have your life handbook, take out any notebook or blank piece of paper. If you have a blog, you can copy the questions and answer them in your blog entry.
Set aside some quiet time with yourself, for 30-45 minutes or so. Now, write your answers to the following 6 questions:
1. What are your biggest accomplishments this year? (Accomplishments here refer to any results you are proud of)
2. What are the biggest lessons you’ve learned this year?
3. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with how you spent the year? (Or if you prefer giving grades, what grade would you give yourself for how this year turned out, between F- to A+?) Why?
4. What do you want to accomplish next year, such that it’s your best year ever? Alternatively:
If it’s now Dec 31 of next year, what do you want to see in your life?
What does it take to make you feel a 10/10 satisfaction level at the end of next year?
5. What new habits to cultivate that will help you to achieve your goals in Q4?
6. What are your immediate next steps to achieve these goals?

本文标题: 2011年终工作总结:为什么写?怎么写?(英文双语)(3)
本文链接: http://fanwen.gaokw.com/nianzhong/27043.html